So, according to the new light, as presented at the AGM (Annual General Meeting) last year in October 2012, (and being studied from the July 15/2013 WT in this month of September), whereby the Faithful & Discrete Slave (FDS) is now designated to mean the Governing Body only (and only when they come together as a group!! haha, what rubbish!) -- this is what I'm understanding:
- Jesus arrived (invisibly, hahaha, more joke!) in 1914 and went about on an inspection of alllll the religions on the earth.
- After four years of invisibly inspecting allll the religions on the earth, he finally designated and found one person on the earth whom he could approve. This person is now known as the very first Faithful & Discrete Slave. BEHOLD! That person is...
*drum roll*
Judge Rutherford!!
Charles Taze Russell, who founded the movement in the first place, (and I understand if you're thinking I'm speaking of a bowel movement) is not considered to be part of the FDS. He was only a fore-runner, a prophetic type (or anti-type or pattern or whatever the heck it is) of the PREPATORY work (which John the Baptist/Baptizer did to prepare the way for Jesus) and the groundwork which was then built upon/destroyed/totally demolished and changed by Rutherford.
HOW can JWs buy this?? How can they think that this makes any sense???
It seems to me that with RUTHERFORD being the VERY FIRST MAN ON THE EARTH TO BE APPROVED BY GOD/CHRIST JESUS, etc., as deserving the designation "Faithful & Discrete Slave", his life and actions should be worth examining! Especially in great, lovely, oh-so-revealing-detail. Maybe THIS would wake up some of those sleeping JWs!!
If only they really KNEW Rutherford's past and his didoes and doings and all about his mansions and cadillacs and body-guards and alcoholism and abuse of Bethel members and his rants and raves and constant ad-hominem attacks against everything and everyone that disagreed with him, and if they knew about his wealth and pomposity and devious methods to take control of the WTBTS which totally contra-indicated everything Russell wanted to happen in the will he wrote, including who should follow him after his death... if JWs could somehow SEE or find out about just this ONE MAN, without even having to go into all the JW history and changes and false prophecies and duplicity and lies and cover-ups, and scandals and pedophilia cover-ups, and secret UN membership, etc., ad infinitum, would that not help wake a few people up??
All we have to do now, it seems, is get the ball rolling about RUTHERFORD, since he is now (according to the new light!) the VERY FIRST person to be chosen by Christ as the FDS!! (even though the GB are somehow not yet appointed over all Jesus' belongings, they are the ones said to be chosen to "feed the sheep!")